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About Us

Khatoun Company For Perfume And The Company's Excellent Facilities From Its First Day We Started Where The Others Ended, We Are Not Alone But We Always Strive For The Best.

Our Unique Experience Has Made Us Rise In Our Name To The Skies ...

The Imprint Of The Challenge We Have Launched Our Advantage Over Others ...

Our Achievements Have Made Us A Star Among The Stars.

We Have Become A World Of Perfection And Taste After We Made Visible Efforts To Select The Best From The High-end Perfumes. We Have Under One Roof All You Need From Perfume, Cosmetics, And Gifts. Our Perfumes Have Become A Whole City That Has Shortened History.

We Have Shortened Many Years And We Have Become A Destination For All Perfume Lovers In The Kingdom Of Jordan And We Seek To Connect To The Rest Of The Arab Countries.


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